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Become a Member

The Association la Girandole is a non-profit organization, which means that the income generated from events, activities, shows, or other sources directly benefits its members and the organization. To access our resource center, rent our studios, benefit from discounted rates, as well as avail opportunities for artistic or professional development, the Association requires you to become a member.

Get to Know Us

Important Dates: 

  • 31 July 2023, expiration of the 2022/23 membership

  • 23 October 2023, General Annual Meeting

  • 29 et 30 March 2024, la Girandole's Casino 

How to Become a Member:

  1.  Sign in or sign up with MindBody  

  2. Accept the liability waiver and update the account 

  3. Click on the tab 'INSCRIPTION', and select 'Contrat' 

  4. Select 'Adhésion membre'

  5. Accept the terms and conditions  

  6. Select 'Faire un achat'

  7. Proceed to payment

Documents importants: 

  1. Membership Renewal Letter 2023/24

  2. Annual Report (French Only) 2021/22

  3. Policy Handbook 2023/24

  4.  Casino SignUp 2024

Membership Package (available after payment)

  1. Membership card

  2. 2023/24 class schedule 

  3. Artistic calendar (only free for the first five membership payments)  

  4. Swag

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